
Registrations closed!

Carla Monteiro is the 1st interviewee in "Lawyers in Lusophony"

Carla Monteiro is the 1st interviewee in "Lawyers in Lusophony"

Born in Cape Verde, Carla Monteiro graduated in Law at FDL and later obtained postgraduate degrees in Commercial Companies and Municipal Law, Spatial Planning, Urbanism and Construction. She worked in Portugal until 2008 and returned to Cape Verde to found the law firm CMA - Carla Monteiro & Associados, which today has a team of 10 lawyers.

In addition to a remarkable academic and professional career, Carla has also been President of the Board of a Sports Association for the last 10 years, demonstrating her commitment and dynamism in several areas.

The event will occur on February 17, at 5:00 pm, at VdA Vieira de Almeida, Sociedade de Advogados, in Lisbon.

Registration, open to all within the limits of available seats, is subject to prior registration via email administracion@clubarbitraje.com. At the time of registration, participants are invited to suggest questions to the interviewee.

17:00 Reception and welcome coffee
17:30 Interview with Carla Monteiro hosted by Filipa Cansado Carvalho and Betyna Jaques
18:30 Networking

About Female Lawyers in Lusophony
The series of interviews, "Female Lawyers in Lusophony", organized by CEIA Mujeres and the Portuguese Chapter of the Club Español e Iberoamericano de Arbitraje, aims to share diverse stories and perspectives on leadership, success and challenges and to strengthen the ties between the international Lusophone arbitration community.